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Dying Fetus (Ljubljana - Metelkova - 19.09.02)
Written by: Klemen Polimac

Supersonic Heat! That's how I could describe this concert. It was bloody hot! But kinda orgasmic at the same time.
The guilty party was: Intervalle Bizarre (from Czech Republic), Houwitser (from Holland), Monstrosity (USA) and Dying Fetus (USA). And the victims: more than 200 hundred hungry fans... starving actually, waiting to be devoured (and so we were). Since this gig was cancelled in Croatia, also a lot of Croatian death metal fans came to Slovenia. And the night was awesome. Probably the best concert so far this year. But let us stop beating around the bush (oh, I wish we could do that) and go to the music.

Czech's Intervalle Bizarre opened this night and they were great. They were quite a surprise (later I found out they made a split with Malignancy - well, here we go). Powerful, technically satisfying and twisted. With deep guttural vo-kills aswell as more high pitched hysteria. Just the right band for a warm-up. And the funny par t- they were the only band that night with two guitarists. Public reaction was getting warmer and at the end "Mr. Vomit The Soul" was being carried on hands of fans. And for encoure... oh man, we were for a special treat that night, and on the very beginning. Wheeeeeh heeewww!!! Lee Harriosn came on stage with guitar in his hand and they killed us with Dead Shall Rise (Terrorizer cover). Yeah man! Kick me baby one more time.

And than it was time for war games. Houwitser owned the stage next and since we were not lucky to see Sinister (yet), we got the chance to see some of their (past and recent) members who are part-time or full-time in Houwitser (drummer Aad - still in Sinister from the very beginning, bassist Michel - ex Sinister and guitarist Alex - bass player in Sinister). But this is not about Sinister, it's about Houwitser. And not just one, they sounded more like a full battery of Houwitser's raging like a hungry lion who's tearing the womb of your mom (hmmm, or maybe not exactly like that). Occasionally they sounded a bit like Sinister, but they are much more brutal and straight forward. But also less catchy if you ask me. Frontman Stan (yeah, Arjaan "Djortzzz" is no longer in the band, but this new guys Stan is brutal as fuck) was wearing that "terrorist cap" so I wonder how he felt, since the sweat was pouring from each hole of my body. Anyway, they treated us with a nice demonstration of brutality.

But than... oh my. The time we were all waiting for. Time for Monstrosity! Unfortunately I missed the first 2 songs (and they opened with Destroying Divinity, damn! But I had to get some fresh air outside). And they were great. Even though this time they were only with one guitarist (Tony Norman), but he did a great job. Occasionally there was a lack of second guitar and Poggione's 6-string bass was almost silent (wtf!?), but besides this it was one hell of a show! Of course they played Angel Of Death, though I think that playing Slayer has become almost a cliché but fans demand this. They expect it, so... And on the other hand, it's always a pleasure to hear Slayer.
Oh yeah, they had also a new vocalist Sam Molina. Later after the show Lee told me that the reason why Jason Avery is no longer in the band is that he gets more money doing his tattoos than touring. Well, so much about commitment and true metal attitude. Lee also said that they will enter the studio in November/December to record a new album. Can't wait! The public got what the public demanded. Pure orgasmic chills. And when they played Imperial Doom I thought "wow, this time sounds even better than on record". Monstrosity stays Florida's death metal legend!

By the time "Fetus" was on, I was dehydrated and fucked up. So for a while I stayed behind at the technician and behind the stage and later moved to 5th, 6th raw and stayed there till the end... just receiving.
Dying Fetus are also a true attraction live with their powerful and skilful performance. They played us some songs from the new album "Stop At Nothing" (for full track-list of their performance go see the Gallery section), actually quite a few of them and definitely not enough from "Killing On Adrenaline" and "Destroy The Opposition" (two albums because of which most of the crowd came). As I said, their show was great and precise. Now that I am writing this they already have found themselves second guitarist. That's Mike Kimball and he was to perform also on X-mass festivals across the Europe later in December this year, but DF cancelled their shows- too bad, it would be great to see them with two guitars (check News section).
There was a lot of stage-diving going on, which kind of goes hand in hand with their music and looks. And now that I mentioned this, sometimes it irritates me, this combination of NY style with rap/HC. But the main thing is still death metal, no doubt about that (and not just 'cause Vince was wearing Devourment T-shirt, ha ha.
Anyway, they finished with Praise The Lord (Opium For The Masses) from "Destroy The Opposition". Hallelujah!

Well, this was certainly one helluva show and I enjoyed enormously. Also the bands praised us... us, the hungry ones. It was perfect. The "true" merchandise was there. Of course, how can you go wrong with candies like Brodequin, Deeds Of Flesh, Malignancy, Lividity... But the cream on top that night was taking a shower when I got home (still buzzing in my ear and I swear it sounded like some evilish guitars) and for some more devastation I've put on Brodequin. Mmmm, never did a hot shower felt so good. :) Man, I must sound like some pathetic pussy now, ha ha ha ha.

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